You are here because you genuinely believe that your company can be a force for good and has untapped potential to significantly impact society and the environment. You want to join the movement of like-minded leaders who have recognized this more significant purpose for the corporation. You have heard of, or are familiar with B-Corporations and want to know what it would take to become one.
You are in the right place. Syntegra-ESG consultants can advise and guide you and your team on how to achieve B-Corp status. B-Corps, are for-profit companies at the heart of a global movement of people using the power of business to create shared, durable prosperity for all. You can join a 2,500 B Corps movement in more than 150 industries in 60 countries around the world. By joining this community of like-minded companies you:

The process for becoming a B-Corp is easier than you think, and we can guide you every step of the way.