You are here because you want to ensure that your organization’s standards and practices around purposeful governance are guided, informed, and in compliance with international standards and good practice. You are interested in certifying your organization’s performance on purposeful governance.

You are in the right place. Syntegra-ESG consultants can advise and guide you and your team on achieving the appropriate forms of assurance and certification for purposeful governance. Our consultants have contributed to the writing of the appropriate standards, and in some cases co-convened and edited the standards, so we are the experts.

Understanding ISO

The International Standards Organization (ISO) issues management systems and guidance standards and other useful documents that leaders of organizations and professionals throughout the world can use to help guide their pursuit of good practices in their specific fields and industries. Using ISO standards, leaders and professionals worldwide can be confident that policies, systems and practices that they deploy in their organizations are in alignment and compliance with the best knowledge available in their fields. Moreover, in some cases, in partnership with relevant third-parties, ISO standards can be certified, which indicates that organizations’ specific practices comply with the appropriate ISO standard. In this way the ISO fulfils its mission “to specify clear and unambiguous provisions in order to help international trade and communication” for organizations and professionals in over 160 member countries.

ISO standards are flexible, and you can adapt them to suit a wide range of organizations, including:

  • Large organizations and enterprises
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Public and not-for-profit organizations
  • Non-government organizations (NGOs) and charities

ISO means global consensus - Membership in 2020 of ISO/TC309 Governance of Organizations 

In the case of purposeful governance, ISO issues the following guidance:

  • ISO 37000 Governance of Organizations – Guidance (due to be published mid-2021)
  • ISO 37002 Whistleblowing Management Systems - due to be published in mid-2021).
  • ISO 19600:2014 Compliance Management Systems - currently being revised as ISO 37301, due to be published in mid-2021)

In the case of purposeful governance, the following ISO standards can be certified via third-party organizations:

  • ISO 37001:2016 Anti-bribery Management Systems

Certification enables you to protect and preserve the integrity of your organization by:

  • Opening your organization to external scrutiny of the effectiveness of your policies and processes
  • Demonstrating compliance with relevant legislation
  • Collaborating with stakeholders to monitor and manage risk throughout your organization and supply chain
  • Ensuring that suppliers, sub-contractors and agents are committed to good practice

ISO specific benefit reasons



There many existing ISO users of the 23,000+ standards


Good governance across organizational types, sectors and countries


Introduce guidance where there is none currently available

Expands & apply more narrow or specific guidance
