Finding Purpose
Find or recalibrate your courageous purpose aligned to your brand through our expert facilitation.
Purposeful Governance
Maximize the effectiveness of your board of directors by tailoring global governance principles & best practices to your needs.
Purposeful Activation
Make purpose real everyday with expert guidance on how to live it via brand, culture, employee and customer experience, product, supply chain, government/regulatory, community and environmental impact strategies.
Skillup To Purpose
Skill-up at your own pace with customized blended learning, training and development tools focused on board, executive, management and team coaching and other topics such as innovation.
Certifying Purpose
Fast track your attainment of highly prized international governance and sustainability certifications (e.g., B-Corp, ESG, ISO Certification). Impact SDG goals more readily with our expert guidance.
Tracking Purpose
Keep track of and communicate your success with reporting tools that allow you to get better as you go, make course corrections, and build trust.

The fundamental issue you face as a leader is that your organization needs practical guidance on how to enact purpose seamlessly through your everyday operations and consistent with your brand. You want to have the confidence that you can exceed targets on previously intangible KPIs, such as social and environmental impact, without compromising your high expectations on traditional KPIs, such as revenues and margins.
Nonetheless, how many times have you been intrigued by programmes that promise to grow your organizational good practice only to be stuck with idealized recommendations that seemingly only have tenuous applicability to your circumstances? You may also worry about how some of your key stakeholders may respond if some of your purpose-based initiatives go off-track. Will you, for instance, be left having to do damage control with shareholders over the support of unpopular causes? Will you inspire prospects while alienating faithful customers who are more conservative in their expectations?

Syntegra-ESG is accustomed to being called to the table when the other consultants have departed. We understand your concerns and are obsessed with building a purposeful activation strategy that is aligned to your specific needs.
The fundamental issue you face as a leader is that your organization needs practical guidance on how to enact purpose seamlessly through your everyday operations and consistent with your brand.

Integrating Purpose into your go-to-market strategies
- Brand strategy alignment
- Customer experience strategy alignment
- Product development strategy alignment
- Supply chain and manufacturing alignment
- Partnerships
Integrating purpose into people management
- HR
- DEI best practice
Environmental Impact Strategy
- Emission plan
- Recycling
- Natural Capital Investment Strategy
Government and regulatory
- Tax plan
- Compliance system
Community involvement
- Stakeholder engagement plan
- Charitable giving
- Grants & foundations
- See purposeful governance
Element | Key Practices |
Simplify | Make Purpose your North Star Ensure it speaks to the role of your organization in developing opportunities for people & planet and how will it do no harm Ensure that trade-offs are succinctly reflect in your Purpose Statement |
Connect | Connect purpose to how you govern and manage Connect purpose to your Value Generation Model & Strategy Industry & Alliances |
Own | Values, Culture, Accountability Strategic Discussion & Short-Term Execution Shareholder Acceptance & Support |
Reward | Financial Measures, incl. Cost of Remedy Appraisal, Remuneration on Balanced Metrics Balanced, Consultatively derived, Transparent Decision Metrics |
Exemplify | Complexity in Metaphors Vivid, Authentic Stories & Proof Brand, Communication of Why, How, What, & Goals |