Building organizations that thrive in the conscious and connected economy requires individuals with enormous initiative, imagination, and passion – the gifts of being human. Leaders will be increasingly challenged to create a shared sense of purpose and aspirations so powerful and engaging that their people and partners willingly bring these gifts to the collective purpose of “building better”.
Example Service Packages
Syntegra-ESG Leadership Training Certifications
Skill-up at your own pace. Training, facilitation or coaching to support your Boards, Executives, Managers and Teams as you pivot with purpose. Customized programs using mixed modalities to ensure full engagement and achievement of desired learning objectives.
NB: Most customers prefer customized approaches
We know that co-creating and communicating purpose with and to others requires an integrated set of skills, so we provide a range of skill development services for leaders who sense the need to perceive things in new ways. To get the entire organization moving in a purposeful direction your board and executives need to be aligned and your mangers, team leaders and supervisors need to get their teams on board and skilled up.
Our self-learning options can be accessed via the Syntegra Client Portal. This is our online basecamp for our clients where we make resources available to them, offer custom training programs, and online collaboration tools. Take a look at the support available for Governance Innovators here tailoredgovernance.com.
At the center of our methodologies is coaching grounded in purpose. Our team of certified and accredited coaches have years of practical experience helping clients accelerate systemic change.
For developing leaders and high potentials we partner in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.